Thank you to a record breaking number of visitors

The Livery Committee website has had its busiest year yet with a nine percent rise in visitors. Between them, they viewed our pages 164,000 times.

The site was launched in September 2020 and has increased its outreach month after month. The database of Companies and Guilds is the most accessed feature as it is of great use to Clerks, Liverymen and the general public who are seeking details of Companies and Guilds. However, it was the Lord Mayor’s Show in November that set the new records in a single day, with a staggering 1,108 visitors completing 1,933 page-views.

The Chair of the Livery Committee, Deputy Philip Woodhouse said,

“The Livery Committee is delighted with how popular the site has become, and to see our visitor-numbers increasing year-on-year.

The site is designed to provide information for anyone with an involvement with the Livery, but the figures for the Lord Mayor’s Show and the Coronation would suggest that our outreach goes beyond this which is very pleasing.

We will endeavour to continue the trend in growth in 2024 as we add more content and functionality to the site. And, we look forward with anticipation to our 500,000th page-view which should arrive in early April.”

The site is supported by the Committee’s social media channels which have also seen good growth in 2023 – in particular, the recently established Livery Committee LinkedIn profile.

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