Diversity Charter
The Livery Committee believes that attracting a wider pool of talent to engage with Livery Companies and Guilds will assist in building a City of London fit for the future.
This is why the Livery Committee, with the support of the Fellowship of Clerks, drafted a Diversity Charter. It is modelled on the Diversity Charter adopted by the Court of Common Council and the Court of Aldermen.
The hope is that Companies and Guilds will consider its content and adapt it to support their commitment to diversity and inclusion.
The Charter can be downloaded.
Tackling Racism
In mid-2020 the City of London Corporation set up a Tackling Racism Working Party. Since then it has produced regular public summaries of its progress. These, along with the Working Party’s Terms of Reference, can be seen below.
The final report was published in late January 2021. It is available to read on line or for download.
Terms of Reference
- To consider what the City of London Corporation currently does to tackle racism in all its forms and to assess whether any further action could be undertaken to promote economic, educational, and social inclusion through our activities, including any historical issues with a view as to how we might respond to them;
- To report its findings to both Policy & Resources Committee and the Establishment Committee
The Working Party to elect their Chair and Deputy Chair at its first meeting.
- Chair of Policy and Resources Committee (Catherine McGuinness)
- Chair of Establishment Committee (Edward Lord)
- Chair of Community & Children’s Services Committee (Randall Anderson)
- Chair of Member Diversity Working Party (Tom Sleigh)
- Chair of the City Arts Initiative (Wendy Hyde)
- Town Clerk & Chief Executive (John Barradell)
- Sponsor of the BAME Staff Network (Vic Annells)
- Chair/Deputy Chair of the BAME Staff Network or their representatives (Zahur Khan and Maxine Pitt )
- Director of Community & Children’s Services (Andrew Carter)
- Director of Members’ Services (Angela Roach)
- Director of Communications (Bob Roberts)
- Diversity & Engagement Lead Officer, HR (Amanda Lee-Ajala)
Six Members from the wider Court:-
- Caroline Addy
- Alderman Emma Edhem
- Shravan Joshi
- Natasha Lloyd-Owen
- Andy Mayer
- Andrien Meyers
Women in the Livery and High Civic Office in the City
The following Research Paper was produced by Erica Stary, LLM, FTII, ATT, TEP. She is Past Master Tax Adviser, Past Master Plumber and Upper Warden Elect Tin Plate Workers alias Wire Workers. Download it here.