Sheriffs’ Chain Appeals

Each sheriff wears a unique chain of office and badge, specially commissioned, designed and paid for by them during the period between their election in June and when they take up office in September. The chain and badge will include their coat of arms and usually also reflect their particular interests and career.

A brooch or badge is usually also commissioned for the sheriff’s partner.

The chain and badge will be quite expensive so there is a long tradition of each sheriff inviting their friends, supporters and contacts to make a donation to contribute to the cost, via a ‘chain appeal’. They will form a Chain Appeal Committee, comprising a significant number of influential liverymen whose names will appear on a letter requesting donations which is sent out not just to the sheriff elect’s supporters but also to all the clerks, with a request that they circulate it to members of their company.

The two sheriffs’ chain presentation ceremonies normally take place in mid- September. Each will be held at a livery hall and attended by a number of donors to the appeal.

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