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Clerks’ Association

The Clerks’ Association was formed in 1937 as an informal gathering of Clerks to Companies having halls, almost all of whom at the time were solicitors practising in the City. It has since attracted membership from the Clerks to all Companies in precedence below the Great Twelve, which own Halls or have an exclusive long lease of such.

Officially recognised by the City of London Corporation, the purpose of the Association is to provide a forum for its Members to exchange views on an unofficial basis upon issues that may from time to time arise affecting the common interests and welfare of their Livery Companies, to share best practice, and to communicate suggestions and matters of concern to the Livery Committee. There are at present 24 members. The Chairman of the Association is normally the most senior Clerk who has not previously served in that office. The Chairman along with the Hon Secretary are elected by the membership at the AGM in October and each serves for 12 months.