The Fellowship of Clerks was first formed in 1926 as an association for those Clerks without company halls. The Association of Clerks formed for the hall owning company Clerks already existed and did not want to expand their representation. The Fellowship was founded by H H Bobart (Basketmakers) and W S Pennefather (Clockmakers); it began with seven members and rapidly grew to 24 members.
A handy document – Fellowship of Clerks a Short History – is available to download.
The Fellowship is open to all Clerks of Livery Companies and Guilds. There are also a few additional members such as the City Livery Club and the Livery Company of Wales. Currently the Fellowship enjoys a membership of 106 Livery Clerks, 11 Guild and Company without Livery Clerks, 36 Assistant/Deputy Clerks and 6 regional and other City organisations. We also have 79 Retired Clerks who wish to stay in touch.
The Fellowship organises a business meeting and supper in May and October each year, the AGM and dinner (which includes retired members) is held each March when a new President is installed. The Fellowship is governed by the Executive Committee of 10, chaired by the President and administered by the Secretary.
The Fellowship maintains a free recruitment clerkship candidate list, offers guidance and best practice and provides mentoring on request from
Regular News Bulletins are issued and a quarterly Masters & Clerks Pocket Guide.