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City Luncheon Clubs

Details of City Luncheon Clubs will be listed here as they become available. For further details, expand the entries below.

Wednesday Carvery lunch dates, and a booking facility are available on the Butchers’ Hall website.

Further information on the Butchers’ website.

On Mondays, lunch is available in Ironmongers’ Hall to members of all Livery Companies and their guests.

Further information on the Ironmongers’ website.

Monthly Lunches at Pewterers’ Hall, open to all and aimed at individuals and small groups to be able to meet, dine and enjoy a convivial luncheon in some of the splendid surroundings of one of the most beautiful Livery Halls of the City.

Further information on the Life’s Kitchen website.

The River Thames Lunch Club meets on the second Friday of each month (no meeting in August).

Further information on the Watermens’ website.