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Livery Company Groups

Several inter-livery groups bring together the otherwise independent livery companies to coordinate their efforts in common cause.  One such group is the Financial Services Group (FSG) of livery companies and composes of the following Companies; City Solicitors, Chartered Accountants, Chartered Secretaries, Chartered Surveyors, Marketors, Actuaries, Insurers, Arbitrators, Information Technologists, World Traders, Management Consultants, International Bankers and Tax Advisers. The Guild of Investment Managers has an observer status within this group.

The Livery Climate Action Group has created a series of Guidance Notes, sample Climate Action Plans and other associated resources drawing from the wide expertise within London’s Livery, as part of its ambition to be an invaluable support for Livery Companies and Guilds in their journeys toward net-zero emissions.

Some Livery Companies share a trade affinity or similarity in terms of the craft or trade they practice.

Other associations include those representing the Leather trades, the Metal Bashers, the Construction group, the Food group, the Textiles group the Wood Group and the Cask group (drinks industry).  Another group representing the users and suppliers of water is known as the ‘Wet 10’ although members now number 13.

The Livery Committee acknowledges this content from ‘The City of London Freeman’s Guide’ published by Paul D Jagger.