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Other Membership Classes

Livery Companies vary greatly in the range of membership classes that they maintain. Typical additional membership classes beyond that of Liverymen and Freemen and Apprentices are:

  • Senior Freeman: A Former Liveryman who is unable to maintain full membership due to an overseas posting, relocated a great distance from London, elderly or infirm, unwilling to travel late at night. This class is sometimes offered by invitation and recognises a previous long-term service as a Liveryman.
  • Honorary Freeman: Persons who may be admitted as an Honorary Freeman shall be eminent persons or connected with the company’s industry or allied trades or professions in a senior capacity. Such persons may include overseas representatives of the industry. Honorary Freemen are members for life and have the right to attend social events.
  • Honorary Liveryman: At the determination of the Court a Past Master or other eminent member may be invited to become an Honorary Liveryman. This invitation will recognise their outstanding contribution in two of the three spheres of service: namely to the Company, the City or trade of the Company. As such their admission furthers the standing of the Company. Honorary Liverymen shall be members for life. They may attend any function of the Company and are not required to pay quarterage.
  • Honorary Court Assistants: These will be senior Past Masters who continue to serve the Court although perhaps not with voting powers.
  • Companions of the Company: These may be the Widows/Widowers of Past Masters where they are offered the opportunity to stay connected with the Company and attend social events.