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Objectives and key tasks

The Objectives of the Livery Committee are –

  1. To oversee the running of Common Hall including, where appropriate, the voting procedures.
  2. To help increase awareness of and support for the work of the Lord Mayor, the City Corporation and the wider livery movement and, where possible and practical, to help create an awareness among opinion formers of the work of
    livery companies, their charitable activities and benefit to society as a whole.
  3. To act as a forum to which livery companies can bring matters of concern for discussion and to help in the sharing of good practice among livery companies.

The Key Tasks of the Livery Committee to help it to deliver its objectives are –

  1. Giving guidance to candidates, through literature and/or meetings, on the various processes relating to the elections in Common Hall.
  2. Assisting in the process of admitting liverymen to Guildhall for Common Hall.
  3. To run such courses as may be helpful, those currently run being –
    • City of London Briefings (primarily for new and existing Freemen and Liverymen),
    • The Wardens’ & Court Assistants’ Course (half-day for them and their spouse/partner),
    • The Livery After Dinner Speaking Course (half-day for Wardens and Court Assistants), and
    • The Clerks’ Forum.
  4. To act as a forum to which livery companies can bring matters of concern for discussion or advice and, alongside that, to help share, or initiate the sharing of, good practice where it is thought that could be helpful.
  5. To maintain an active Liaison Scheme where members of the Committee keep in touch with particular livery companies so that all companies have a known contact on the Committee they can bring matters to.
  6. To work with the City Corporation and the Livery Companies in running a website for the benefit of the Livery, the Clerks of the Livery Companies and Guilds, the City Corporation and all those interested in the Livery, enabling a
    conduit of communication to the Livery, a knowledge sharing resource for the Clerks and a means of providing information about the Livery to the general public.
  7. In all of these matters to maintain a close relationship with the City Corporation, with Mansion House and the Chamberlain, in particular on matters concerning, respectively, the Mayoralty and Shrievalty and the Freedom
  8. Any other matter which, in the opinion of the Committee, might affect the interests of the general body of the livery.