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Roles and responsibilities

Committee members have the following roles and responsibilities –

  • To join with the Committee in carrying out the work that Common Hall expects it to undertake, ie as set out in the approved objectives and key tasks and to bring to that work your knowledge, enthusiasm and commitment
  • To attend the 3-4 meetings of the Livery Committee each year (each meeting being held during the working day and lasting 1-2 hours)
  • To be prepared to get involved in the work of a Sub-Committee or Working Group asked to look into a matter in detail
  • To take part in the Liaison Scheme, ie keeping in touch with Clerks or Masters so matters of likely interest to them can be passed on, together with any issues or matters they would like to hear about from the Committee; ‘keeping in touch’ in whatever way is most convenient to those involved by phone, by email, through ad hoc or regular meetings and, from time to time, reporting back on activity to the co-ordinator of the scheme or the Committee
  • To assist in the periodic review of the Committee’s Strategy and Key Tasks
  • To attend Common Hall twice a year, first to assist as may be needed in the process of admitting liverymen to Guildhall and, secondly, to join the Committee for the meeting itself.
  • To attend some of the events run by the Committee for liverymen or Clerks, particularly some of the Livery Briefings (early evening events).

If you are interested in serving in one of these capacities, please get in touch with the nominating body or with the Chairman or Deputy Chairman (who will also be happy to meet with potential nominees to answer any questions they have and better explain what is involved.