All Change at Bank project – consultation closes 10th May

The All Change at Bank project looks at the future of the area around Bank Station which will re-open at the end of 2022 after an upgrade.

The City of London Corporation wants to improve the pedestrian environment and provide a fitting setting for the iconic buildings at the heart of the Square Mile​.

The area has seen significant pedestrian and cycling growth in recent years which the physical environment does not reflect. With expected continued growth from nearby developments and the station capacity upgrade, the project aims to deliver change at the junction by the end of 2022 by:

  • Continuing to reduce casualties by simplifying the junction
  • Reducing pedestrian crowding levels
  • Improving air quality
  • Improving the perception of place, as a place to spend time in rather than pass through​

For further details, and how to respond to the consultation visit the City of London website.