Livery Companies Skills Council

The Livery Companies Skills Council (LCSC) evolved from an initiative in 1993 by the then Lord Mayor to establish a forum within the Livery to promote vocational and educational training and to represent the concerns of the Livery to Government and policy makers.  Our objectives are to serve the Livery by:

  • promoting excellence in skills
  • maintaining dialogue with policy makers
  • engaging with Government bodies in setting standards and creating sound training frameworks
  • securing adequate funding for apprenticeships and vocational training
  • providing advice on training and career development
  • promoting C&G Professional Recognition Awards
  • strengthening historic links with City & Guilds

Council meets twice a year and currently has 46 member Companies. City & Guilds is also represented as an associate.  LCSC’s affairs are directed by a Management Committee comprising the Chairman and Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and four other members elected/re-elected annually.