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Master Certificate Scheme

The Master Certificate Scheme celebrates excellence, encourages career progression and recognises the very highest levels of skill and experience.   The scheme is a partnership between City & Guilds and the participating Livery Companies and is organised by the Construction Liveries Group.

This scheme gives encouragement and recognition to students, trainees and apprentices on achieving excellence in their craft, trade or profession and status on individuals that has been earned.  Part of the scheme also involves a charge to mentoring and fostering those who follow on.   The scheme also provides a high-level destination point for many people working in craft occupations for whom a postgraduate degree or professional body diploma is neither appropriate nor feasible.

Apprentice, Journeyman and Master Certificate Awards provide a compatible way for City & Guilds, Livery Companies and Professional Institutions to work in partnership.

Award certificates are presented by the Lord Mayor at a formal annual ceremony and the last two ceremonies have included City & Guilds’ Livery Company Prize Giving.