Climate Action Strategy seminar

Livery Companies have already started to think about how climate change might impact upon them. Some have a Hall or investment properties that will need significant changes to minimise greenhouse gas emissions or enhance carbon capture; others have carried out ethical reviews of their financial investments.

Tuesday 26th January 2021, 6.00 – 7.30 pm via Zoom

The way that Liveries treat issues such as travel, plastics, water, energy or sustainable food is being widely championed and many trades and professions that Liveries represent are at the forefront of innovation and change driven by the avoidance or mitigation of the risks of climate change.

The City Corporation has recently committed to a Climate Action Strategy that sets a target to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2040 in respect of all activities at the same time as building a more resilient City, able to weather flood and climate risk. The City of London Corporation seeks to ensure that all occupiers, residents, businesses and organisations within the Square Mile are taking relevant steps, whether by regulation or volunteered.

Many Livery Companies are already working on their own strategies and an expert group of Livery members will be presenting a live seminar on Tuesday 26th January 2021 at 6pm. This seminar will explore ideas from the panel and hear about your own ideas and projects. This will hopefully result in a small Livery task force leading further actions and helpful initiatives. At the seminar there will be time for discussion and questions so that the most creative ideas and responses can be captured for the work of the task force.

This seminar is open to all Livery Companies and it is hoped to have at least one member from every Livery Company. Please circulate this invitation widely.

Looking forward to hearing from you and sharing all your ideas and initiatives.

Best wishes,
Alderman Alison Gowman and Gordon Masterton, Master Engineer