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Events by time of year

Civic events & ceremonies

Lord Mayor’s Children’s Party Mansion House, early-Jan (Invitation only)
Lord Mayor ‘Meet the Masters’ dinner March, night before United Guilds Service
Her Majesty the Queen’s Garden Parties Buckingham Palace, May
Election of Sheriffs Common Hall, June Midsummer Day
Swan Upping River Thames, mid-July (Vintners, Dyers)
Admission of Sheriffs Guildhall, late-Sept
Quit Rents ceremony Royal Courts of Justice, mid Oct – mid Nov.
Election of Lord Mayor Common Hall, Michaelmas Day
Silent ceremony Guildhall, mid-November
Lord Mayor’s Show City-wide, mid- November
Lord Mayor’s Banquet Monday following the LM Show
Knolly’s Rose ceremony Seething Lane & Mansion House, early June
Sheriffs’ Ball Guildhall, mid-Sept (Lord Mayor’s Appeal)
Garden of Remembrance St Paul’s Churchyard, first Monday Nov (RBL)

Notable Livery events

Livery Weekend Ironbridge Gorge Museum, Fri-Sun early June
Brigantes Northern Liverymen Variable venues, June & December
Livery Education conference Staple Inn, Livery Schools Link, June
Livery Showcase event Guildhall, Livery Schools Link, end June
City Beerfest Guildhall Yard, July (Brewers)
Doggett’s Coat & Badge Race River Thames, early Sept (Fishmongers)
Walk of all Livery Halls for Masters City, early Sept (Envir. Cleaners)
Modern Companies Dinner Variable venue, March, rotating organiser
Sheep Drive Southwark Bridge, end-Sept (Woolmen)
Remembrance Sunday St Paul’s & Royal Exchange, first Sunday Nov (Fruiterers)
Lord Mayor’s Briefing; Masters, Prime Wardens & Clerks Mansion House, mid-Nov (Livery Committee)

Inter-Livery events

Inter-Livery Ski Championship Morzine, early Jan (Ironmongers)
Playing Card Games Evening Variable venue, early-Feb (Playing Card Makers)
Inter-Livery Pancake Race Guildhall Yard, Shrove Tuesday (Poulters)
Inter-Livery Bridge Competition Drapers’ Hall, early March (Playing Card Makers)
Inter-Livery Clay Shoot Holland & Holland, mid-May (Envr. Cleaners)
Inter-Livery Sailing Regatta Cowes, IoW, mid-May (City Livery Yacht Club)
Inter-Livery Golf Walton Heath, late May (Coachmakers)
Great XII Sailing Challenge Seaview, IoW, end of May
Inter-Livery Rifle Shoot Bisley, early June (Bakers)
Inter-Livery Croquet Variable venue, June (Founders)
Inter-Livery Golf Day Verulam, St Albans, July (Marketors)
Ray Jeffs Golf Hartley Wintney, end July (Livery Schools Link)
Inter-Livery Tennis Queen’s Club, early Sept (Feltmakers)
Inter-Livery Quiz Guildhall Club, late-Oct (Tax Advisers)
Inter-Livery Real Tennis Queen’s Club, late-Oct (Brewers)

Livery Committee meetings & courses

Clerks’ Forum Guildhall Livery Hall, January
After Dinner Speaking course Guildhall Livery Hall mid-Feb
City Briefings Guildhall Livery Hall, Feb, May, Sept, Oct
Wardens’ & Assistants’ Course Guildhall Livery Hall, late-Sept

Clerks’ Associations meetings

Fellowship of Clerks AGM & dinner Variable venue, late March
Fellowship of Clerks Spring meeting Variable venue, late May
Fellowship of Clerks Autumn meeting Variable venue, late October

Livery lectures, exhibitions & receptions

City Food lecture Guildhall, mid-Feb (Invitation only)
Tacitus lecture Guildhall, late-Feb (World Traders)
Lynn Painter-Stainers Art prize Mall Galleries, March (Painters)
Cobham Lecture RAF Club,  late April (Air Pilots)
Pewter Live exhibition Pewterers’ Hall, mid-May
City Debate Vintners’ Hall, mid May (Distillers)
Your Eyes – Eye Health for the Livery information evening St Thomas’ Hospital, mid-May
Milo annual lecture Chartered Architects, early June
City of London Church Walk July (Plumbers)
Cart Marking Guildhall Yard, mid-July (Carmen)
Spirits Tasting & Master classes Vintners’ Hall, late July (Distillers)
Goldsmiths’ Fair (2 weeks) Goldsmiths’ Hall, Sept (Goldsmiths)
Actuaries’ lecture Staple Inn Hall, late-Sept (Actuaries)
Frederick Tymms lecture RAF Club, late-Sept (Air Pilots)
Art in the City Painters’ Hall, early-Oct (PDFAS)
Mithras lecture Variable venues, mid-Oct (Arts Scholars)
Musicians’ Company Evensong St Paul’s Cathedral, early-Oct (Musicians)
Wizardry in Wood Carpenters’ Hall, mid-Oct (Turners)
Ralph Anderson lecture Royal Soc. Medicine, early-Nov (Horners)
Raleigh lecture Drapers’ Hall (Entrepreneurs)
Denny lecture Barber Surgeons’ Hall, Nov (Barbers)

Notable City Church services & events

Spital Sermon St Lawrence Jewry, March
United Guilds Service St Paul’s Cathedral, late-March (UGS Trustees)
Festival of the Sons of the Clergy St Paul’s Cathedral, mid-May (Festival Charity)
Beating the Bounds Ascension Day, All Hallows by the Tower
Summer Music Festival St Lawrence Jewry, August

Connected Military events

Armed Forces Flag Raising Day Guildhall Yard, June mid-Summer Day
Beating Retreat Horseguards, bi-annual June, RMRNC

Notable City Charity & London Cultural events

Lord Mayor’s visit to Treloars Alton Hants, with Masters, March
Trial & Error Theatrical Shows (4 performances) Old Bailey, mid-March, (S&R Fund, Pan Intercultural Arts)
Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch Guildhall, April, Army Benevolent Fund
Bart’s View Day St Bartholomew the Great & Barts Hospt. May
British Red Cross Collection Day London Bridge mid-May
British Red Cross Jailed & Bailed Mansion House/Old Bailey, Tower early July
Open House London Weekend London-wide, late-Sept, (Open-City Charity)
Treloar’s Gala Dinner Mansion House, Sept (Treloars Trust)
City Giving Day City-wide, late-Sept (Lord Mayor’s Appeal)
Children’s Magical Taxi Tour Canary Wharf, early-Oct (Hackney Carriage Dr)
The London Marathon Blackheath – The Mall, mid-April
Help Musicians UK Rotating Cathedrals/Abbey, November
Wellbeing of Women Christmas Fair Drapers’ Hall, early-December

Public Holidays & Events

New Year’s Day 1 January
Early May Bank Holiday Monday, early May
Spring Bank Holiday Monday, late May
British Summer Time Starts Last Sunday March
Summer Bank Holiday Monday, end August
British Summer Time ends Last Sunday October
Christmas Day 25 December
Boxing Day 26 December