Livery Response to the City Climate Action Strategy

A seminar on The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and specifically Climate Action will be held on Thursday 15 April at 6pm.

Seminar on The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and specifically Climate Action

Thursday 15 April at 6pm


You may have attended the first seminar that kicked off the conversation about the livery companies’ involvement with the City Climate Action Strategy. Since then, various working groups have developed this initiative further and are drawing up a response from the liveries and outlining actions that might be taken. More information will be shared in due course.

In 2015 the United Nations published 17 Sustainable Development Goals ranging from and including climate action. Not surprisingly there is often impact which crosses different areas. This seminar will explain the range of goals but concentrate on the climate action goal. Our speakers are experts in this area of work as you will see below.


18.00hrs Introduction to our speakers by Alderman Alison Gowman

18.05hrs Presentation

18.35hrs Questions to our speakers

18.45hrs Breakout rooms

19.00hrs Close and thanks Alderman Alison Gowman

In the breakout rooms groups will be able to share how livery companies can have wider influence beyond their company, such as working with their industry links. A lead individual in each group will gather that feedback so that it can be drawn together and later shared for the benefit of all the livery.

We are fortunate to have two eminent speakers for this topic.

Professor David Viner FIEnvSci

David has nearly 30 years experience working across global climate change and sustainability. He is one of only a few individuals to have spanned the private sector, policy, academic and NGO communities. He continues to be a visiting professor at the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. From 2007 David was the Principal Specialist for Climate Change at Natural England where he developed the research and approach to landscape scale adaptation. From 2008 David was the Director for Climate Change at the British Council. Here he developed a global programme of engagement to help support the UK for climate action, working across science, the arts and education. The programme was described by the UK Foreign Office as a “National Asset”. In one year the programme engaged with over 100 million and reached a further 500 million people world wide.

From 2012 David joined Mott MacDonald, here he provided the evidence base for the establishment of the Climate Resilience Initiative which helped to transform and position the group as a world leader in developing climate resilience solutions.

David continues his scientific engagement, he has been involved with the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change since 1992, was a Lead Author on the IPCC’s Special Report on Climate Change and Land and is currently a Co-ordinating Lead Author for the IPCC’s Working Group 2 Sixth Assessment Report. In this capacity he is the only author from the private sector.

David is currently an Associate Director at the Green Investment Group at Macquarie at which he leads the team responsible for ensuring that investments are aligned to the global green transition.

Raphaelle Vallet

David’s colleague, Raphaelle Vallet, is the Sustainable Finance Manager at the Green Investment Group. She leads on Macquarie Group’s strategy for COP26 and is helping implement net zero policies in GIG. She is seconded one day a week to the UK government advising on green finance for COP26. She is a green finance advisor to the COP26 Presidency on the finance campaign. Prior to joining GIG Raphaelle had 5 years working within the UK government.

Best wishes,
Alderman Alison Gowman and Gordon Masterton, Master Engineer