Livery Schools Link at the London Careers Festival

The Livery Schools Link Livery Showcase was live again in July 2023 at the Guildhall as part of the London Careers Festival 2023 (LCF).

Monday July 3 was for Primary pupils aged 10 and 11 and Tuesday July 4 was for Secondary pupils aged 13 and 14. We had twenty-four stalls from Livery Companies on the Primary day and thirty-six stalls on the Secondary day. Response from the schools was good and there was a lively atmosphere on both days. Students asked lots of questions and tried a number of activities.

The Master Mariners

The Nurses

The Clockmakers

The days are best summed up by this account written by one of the Secondary school pupils.

On a sunny morning yesterday, our class embarked on an exciting adventure to a careers hub, brimming with professionals from diverse fields eager to share their
expertise and ignite our imaginations. The anticipation in the air was palpable as we stepped into a world teeming with endless possibilities and opportunities.

The hub was a bustling marketplace of knowledge, with each booth representing a different career path. From air pilots and clock makers to nurses and tax advisors,
professionals from all walks of life had gathered to showcase their passions and inspire the next generation. As we roamed through the vibrant displays, our minds
buzzed with curiosity, ready to absorb as much information as possible.

The Plaisterers

The Bakers

Throughout the day, we had the privilege of interacting with professionals from numerous other careers, including teachers, scientists, lawyers, and environmentalists. Each conversation brought a fresh perspective, broadening our Throughout the day, we had the privilege of interacting with professionals from numerous other careers. Each conversation brought a fresh perspective, broadening our horizons and encouraging us to dream big.

As we boarded the bus to return to school, a sense of excitement and possibility enveloped us. Our visit to the careers hub had not only exposed us to a vast array of professions but had also ignited a spark within us. We realized that our dreams were within reach, waiting to be pursued with passion and determination.

The careers hub had given us a glimpse into the diverse tapestry of careers available in the world. It had shattered the notion that our choices were limited and provided us with the confidence to chart our own paths. Armed with newfound knowledge and inspiration, we departed with a sense of purpose, ready to explore our interests and make informed decisions about our futures.

The class trip to the careers hub will forever remain etched in our memories as a pivotal moment in our lives. It was a transformative experience that unveiled the boundless potential that lies within each one of us. As we set out on our journey toward adulthood, we carry with us the invaluable lessons learned from those who graciously shared their passions and wisdom.

Undoubtedly, the careers hub visit was not just a field trip but a catalyst for self-discovery and personal growth. It showed us that the world is our oyster, and the choices we make today.

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