Pan Livery Philanthropic Survey 2020

There has been an excellent response to the latest pan Livery philanthropic survey, which was conducted this autumn. Ninety-nine Livery Companies and eight guilds and companies without livery have replied so far and further survey returns are expected.

The total aggregate giving of the Livery during the last 12 months was £72m, an increase of more than 10% from the last survey in 2018. We believe that this puts the Livery movement in the top 5 charitable grant makers in the UK.

Although some 75% of charitable funding is derived from historical endowments, individual Liverymen and Freemen personally donated £5m last year. The support of education is again the largest sector at £28m but there has been a marked shift in support since 2018 towards trade-related education and disadvantaged schools and students.

There are many other examples of grants and support given to disadvantaged groups of all kinds, and to charitable organisations heavily impacted by Covid-19.

In addition, Liverymen and Freemen also donated their time to charitable causes – 130,000 volunteering hours.

After more analysis is done on the figures, further information will be made available in the New Year.