This is for Clerks and Assistant Clerks of London Livery Companies only. The primary purpose of the course is to provide participants with an update on the City and the Corporation’s activities, which will be of interest and relevant to the needs of all clerks. There is also a great opportunity for networking which we believe will be of special interest to all new Clerks and Assistant Clerks.
09:30 Arrivals and refreshments
10:00 Welcome and Introduction – Julia Sibley MBE, Chair of the Livery Committee
10.05 “What I wish I had known when I became a clerk” panel session – Penny Graham, Clerk of the Worshipful Company of Cordwainers, and Garth Manger OBE, Clerk of the Worshipful Company of Plaisterers
10.25 The City of London Corporation – Polly Dunn, Assistant Town Clerk, City of London Corporation
10:35 Refreshments
10.55 Destination City: the main matrix, outcomes and goals; and current programme options to work together – Jennifer Beckermann, Executive Director, City of London Corporation
11.10 Preparing for Digital Preservation – Emma Markiewicz and Laurence Ward, The London Archives
11:25 Mansion House – the set-up, how it works and whom to call – Caroline Jack, Executive Director, Mansion House
11.40 Terrorism: Update in view of Martyn’s Law, City of London Police – Commander Umer Khan OBE, City of London Police
12.00 TBC
12.15 Thoughts on the next Mayoral year – Senior Alderman Below the Aldermanic Chair, Alderwoman Dame Susan Langley
12.35 Q and A session – What are key issues? What can Livery Committee do to help?
12.50 What the Livery Committee has been up to and some closing remarks – Philip Woodhouse, Deputy Chair of the Livery Committee
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Depart
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Cancellation and rearrangement
If you wish to cancel your place please contact the Course Administrator.