Lisvane Report praises the Livery

The Resource Allocation Sub Committee of the City of London published its Governance Review in mid-September, following its comprehensive Governance Review of the City Corporation.
Paragraphs 56 and 57 state –

56. The broader role of the Livery is another matter entirely. The role of the Livery Companies in educational and charitable activity is centuries old, but its range and reach has never been greater, and the work of the Companies is a huge asset for the City. Not only do their schools and academies educate and care for many thousands of young people, but their almshouses shelter and support the elderly and vulnerable, and their charities reach into every part of life where charitable giving can affect social cohesion, quality of life, wellbeing and opportunities.

57. The way in which the Livery Companies responded to the COVID-19 pandemic was emblematic of their approach: from providing meals for health and other key workers (an initiative in which 31 Companies were involved) to their schools and academies making personal protective equipment (PPE) on a large scale, despite the operational challenges imposed by the pandemic. In addition, the Companies provided financial and other support through their charities to a range of people affected by the pandemic.

The full report