The Company of Communicators’ 2021 Clarity in Communications Award

The Company of Communicators’ 2021 Clarity in Communications Award has been won by the Worshipful Company of Glovers’ Prosthetic Hands campaign.

Michael Dalton, Master of The Worshipful Company of Glaziers & Painters of Glass; Deborah Oliver, Master Communicator; Minnie Harris and Katherine Ray from the Worshipful Company of Glovers

It raised awareness for the need of prosthetic hands for those born with limb differences or who have lost hands through illness or accident.

The Glovers Prosthetic Hands team built constructive relationships between companies producing software for prosthetic limbs to enhance quality of live for children as young as three months old.

The judging panel was particularly impressed by the good use of volunteers, the link with traditional City charitable work and in the production of very clear communications outcomes. In particular, the campaign was very effective in reaching out to the wider social media through its use of Facebook. Of special note is the 22 miles swam in 22 days, the length of the English Channel, by Minnie Harris which raised over £7,000 to provide children with Koalaa Sleeves.

At the ceremony at Glaziers’ Hall, certificates were also awarded to the runner-up, the Livery Kitchen Initiative.

This campaign initiated by the Worshipful Companies of Drapers, Grocers and Merchant Taylors raised over £670,000 provided over 160,000 meals to four Barts NHS Trust Hospitals and through supporting the City Harvest another 2,000 meals a week across deprived communities in East London. The panel considered that the use of communications had been very informative and well-presented trough initiatives such as the Livery Kitchen Cookbook achieving excellent results. The campaign was hugely successful in gaining greater media coverage than originally planned with hundreds of volunteers getting involved.

Richard Winstanley, Clerk to the Worshipful Company of Drapers accepting the commendation for the Livery Kitchen initiative

The Worshipful Company of Coachmakers and Coach Harness Makers’ nominee was also commended for its success in achieving long-term outcomes. Their communications programme marshalled resources from the company’s membership to inform universities and charities about the positive work of the livery movement through raising over £330,000 in scholarships for A-level and university students. Their initiative reached more members than initially targeted through the imaginative use of social media platforms such as LinkedIn.