The Company of Communicators’ 2022 Clarity in Communications Award

The Company of Communicators’ 2022 Clarity in Communications Award has been won by the Worshipful Company of Marketors’ Outreach Committee’s Charity Marketing training programme.

It provides pro bono advice for charities and non-profit organisations via 15 online videos, providing eight hours of briefings in total. It aims to increase charities’ self-sufficiency and equip them with the marketing tools and techniques to manage the challenges that they face. The programme was communicated using an integrated communications mix using online and offline tools and channels. Many Livery Companies have utilised this training programme from the Worshipful Company of Engineers to the Worshipful Company of Insurers and also charities such as Wellbeing Scotland. All finding very thoughtful and valuable advice in the training programme and for its clarity in online messaging.

The judging panel was particularly impressed by the use of professional marketing techniques for the benefit of charity sector communications to help promote their charitable work where no such professional support had existed beforehand. In essence the success of this campaign was in making marketing so clear and accessible to help those charities who cannot afford to pay professional market rates, and to encourage as many and as wide a range of charities and non-profit organisations to access it.

At the ceremony at Glaziers’ Hall in the City of London on October 24, Master Communicator and Master Glazier Philip Fortey presented the award to Master Marketor Dr Trevor Brignall and Marketor Peter Rees who produced the winning programme.

Left to right: Marketor Peter Rees, Master Communicator James Gurling. Master Marketor Dr Trevor Brignall, Master Glazier Philip Fortey.

Presenting the award, Master Communicator James Gurling said: “It is a pleasure and privilege for me to present these awards as my last act as Master of the Company of Communicators. It has been really wonderful to see the spirit of charity flourish in these trying times and for the livery movement to play its full part in helping those very much in need. The nominations were all of high quality, fittingly becoming of the traditions and customs of the City of London but also of the standards of professionalism of within Communications and Public Relations. I look forward to another successful batch of nominations next year.”

The Clarity in Communications Award recognises excellence in communications by an individual or company that is not a professional communications practitioner, and who is also linked to the livery movement and/or the charitable sector.

The award is made in partnership with the Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass, who commissioned the unique glass roundel that is presented to the winner. The specially designed and beautiful leaded glass roundel was created by artist Emma Butler-Cole Aiken.

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