The Livery Charity Chairs Group first annual conference

The Livery Charity Chairs Group held its first annual conference at Ironmongers’ Hall on 6th June 2022. Nearly 70 attended despite a full-on tube strike.

The Conference slides and also a synopsis, are available to those who were thwarted from attending by the lack of transport.

While every delegate benefitted from the Conference in different ways, five over-arching themes emerged during the afternoon:

  • In seeking to improve how we do anything, the most important point is to have made a start on that particular journey.
  • Being proportionate is key; we are all different and need to do what is appropriate for us.
  • Using Zoom for most of the LCCG events means we are also doing our bit for climate change.
  • Our concept of ‘sharing and learning’ is already bringing obvious benefits.
  • Last, but not least, it was lovely to have an opportunity to meet everyone face-to-face.

The LCCG Steering Committee (Peter Alvey, Steve Graham, Julia Sibley and Hilary Lindsay) would like to thank all who took part in the event as speakers or delegates, very much look forward to welcoming delegates to their 2023 Annual Conference and to seeing LCCG members at their various events over the next twelve months. For further information about LCCG or its activities please contact Hilary Lindsay.

Membership application

If you would like to become a member of the Livery Charity Chairs Group please download the form. Once completed, please send it to Hilary Lindsay.