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The Royal Mail 1516 to 1766

This outstanding display of historical letters, rare postal markings and associated illustrated material will feature the development of the Royal Mail during 250 years from a means of carrying letters only on state business to a public service for all parts of the Kingdoms.

Thursday 9th September, 2021, 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
15, Abchurch Lane, London EC4N 7BW

It will include the Tudor and Early Stuart Posts, Merchant Posts, The Civil Wars, The Protectorate, The Restoration, The London Penny Post, Bye Posts, Cross Posts, the increase in Provincial Posts and The Ralph Allen Era.

We wish to promote this important event within the City of London and welcome guests at 15 Abchurch Lane on 9th September. If you would like to attend this display, please contact the office, telephone 020 7486 1044 or email

We look forward to meeting you at the display on 9th September.

Richard Stock FRPSL
Immediate Past President
The Royal Philatelic Society London