Tickets available for Inner Temple Garden visit and talk

Pollinating London Together invites you to explore the Inner Temple Garden followed by a talk from Chartered Horticulturalist and Broadcaster David Domoney.

26th September

from 4.30pm to 8pm

Inner Temple gardens have a long history dating back to the 12th century with a wide range of planting including pollinator friendly planting. Bee sure to look out for the PLT bee hotel within the grounds.

Inner Temple Gardens will open to PLT from 4.30pm. The Head Gardener and team at Inner Temple will give a talk on the extensive history of the garden and its planting at 4.30pm and again at 5.15pm.

You will have access to explore the garden from 4.30pm, where there will be members of PLT on hand to help answer any questions about pollinators.

From 6pm we will be offering drinks and canapes in the Inner Temple event rooms.

This is where our guest speaker David Domoney will be giving his talk at 6.30pm.

David Domoney is one of our Patrons. You may recognise him from ITV’s Love your Garden. David is a Chartered Horticulturalist and Broadcaster and holds many accolades including 36 RHS medals and 3 RHS ‘Best in Show’ trophies. Along with fellowship at Warwick Colleges of Horticulture, London Colleges of Horticulture at Capel Manor and Chartered Institute of Horticulture.

Finishing at Inner Temple at 8pm.

Tickets are £75 and you can book here.

Following the event, for those that wish we have reserved tables at La Gazette on Chancery Lane, an authentic French restaurant.

The three course meal with half a bottle of wine can be booked here for £66.50

Our corporate members Gravis Capital are generously supporting the Inner Temple event.

With summer coming to an end PLT’s Ecologist Dr Konstantinos Tsiolis and Nick Buck, PhD student at the University of Reading have been busy carrying out pollinator surveys on multiple public and private sites across the city including the Tower of London Moat in bloom.

The moat was transformed from a flat piece of grassland to a haven for bees, butterflies and other pollinators. The site has been surveyed twice so far this year, in June and July.

During the first survey, there was a low diversity of flowering plants, resulting in a low diversity of pollinators species groups. However in July there was a greater variety of flowering plants which reflected a greater variety of pollinators such as bumblebees, solitary bees, hoverflies,other flies and wasps.

It is worth highlighting the diversity of solitary bee species, both cavity and ground nesters, recorded in the Moat. Some cavity-nesting bees have used the PLT bee hotel as a nesting resource (see photos below). Solitary ground-nesting bees may be using the sandy soil of the moat as a nesting resource, but it needs to be investigated further. Bees and other pollinators’ survival depends on food and nesting resources.

The moat has a great abundance of food resources, and ensuring an abundance of nesting resources could result in a higher abundance and diversity of pollinating insects at the site.

Konstantinos has contacted the head gardener of the moat and provided recommendations on increasing nesting resources of solitary bees.
PLT will be surveying the moat again in September this year.