Wave of new Clerks at Livery Companies

In the last 12 months there has been an abnormally large amount of Clerkship change-overs, with 25 new Clerks (over 20%) named since May 2020.

The pandemic has had far reaching effects on everybody and every walk of life including Livery Companies. One aspect is the abnormally large amount of Clerkship change-overs with 25 new Clerks (over 20%) named since May 2020. There is no doubt that enforced working from home has accelerated the retirement plans of those normally attending City offices. In all 16 of the departing Clerks have retired after substantial and valued terms of service. In addition there have been 3 promotions and 4 transfers between companies. Currently there are a further 9 vacancies in the process of recruitment and so the ‘churn’ continues.

Fellowship of Clerks’ President Chris Twyman

A change of Clerk in the past year has impacted companies with halls, with City offices and those Clerks normally home-based. Clerks by necessity have had to re-invent the way that they engage remotely with their Courts, Committees and members in the past year; it is likely that the changes will have a lasting impact on some company operations as we return to new near normal. At their recent AGM, the Fellowship of Clerks’ President Chris Twyman praised Clerks for their magnificent efforts in supporting their companies through the pandemic restrictions, and he expressed great sympathy for the recent new Clerks who are yet to experience the fraternity, fellowship and normal activities and occasions of the Livery.