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The Brigantes Breakfast

St Georges Hall, Liverpool

The annual North of England lunch for Liverymen of all City of London Livery Companies and their guests

The Livery Weekend 2024

The annual weekend gathering of Masters and Prime Wardens is one of the highlights of Livery year and it will take place in London from 21st to 23rd June 2024.

City Music Foundation Lunchtime Concert Series – Rokas Valuntonis

leathersellers' Hall 7 St Helen's Place, London

Praised for his “liquidity of sound” and “devilish performances”, Lithuanian pianist Rokas Valuntonis has drawn admiration for his imaginative interpretations and striking virtuosity. He will bring the ecstatic, virtuosic music of Chopin to Leathersellers' Hall alongside works by fellow Latvian…


Distillers’ Company Spirits Tasting

Vintners' Hall 68 Upper Thames Street, London, United Kingdom

Full details are available from the Worshipful Company of Distillers. Please contact the Assistant Clerk for further information. PLEASE NOTE ENTRANCE TO THIS EVENT IS BY PRE BOOKED TICKETS ONLY. Tickets cannot be purchased on the day at the…


Pepys Day 2024 guided tours

In September 1666 the Great Fire of London swept through the City. Man-about-town Samuel Pepys witnessed and recorded the events of that extraordinary week. The fire started at 1.00am on September 2nd and by mid-morning Pepys was writing about it…

Event Series River Thames Lunch Club

River Thames Lunch Club

Watermen's Hall St Mary at Hill, London, United Kingdom

At Watermen's Hall second Friday of the month at 12:30pm. 5-Course Tasting menu with exciting matching wines. £84 per head including VAT. Maximum party of 8.


Sheriffs’ Ball 2024

Guildhall Gresham Street, London, United Kingdom

Join the Sheriffs of the City of London and dance the night away! Alderwoman and Sheriff Dame Susan Langley DBE and Alderman and Sheriff Bronek Masojada are hosting the eighth Sheriffs' Ball at historic Guildhall on Friday 20 September 2024…

City Giving Day 2024

Venues across the City , United Kingdom

City Giving Day is a simple but impactful initiative that enables City companies and employees to celebrate and showcase their philanthropic and volunteering achievements and encourage others to get involved.

Air Pilots Tymms Lecture

RAF Club 128 Piccadilly, United Kingdom

Annual Lecture - invitation to attend will be sent to Masters and Clerks of the various companies.

Forensic intervention in wildlife crime

Apothecaries Hall Black Friars Lane, London, United Kingdom

Discover how the world of modern forensics provides vital information and insight, in solving both human and wildlife crimes. As a specialist in disaster victim identification and mass fatality events, Tracy Alexander FKC talks about how current techniques and specialisms…

Musicians’ Company Evensong

St Paul's Cathedral St Paul's Churchyard, London

Evensong at St Paul's Cathedral, attended by the Musicians' Company. All other Livery Companies are invited; Masters, Wardens and Clerks process.

Event Series River Thames Lunch Club

River Thames Lunch Club

Watermen's Hall St Mary at Hill, London, United Kingdom

At Watermen's Hall second Friday of the month at 12:30pm. 5-Course Tasting menu with exciting matching wines. £84 per head including VAT. Maximum party of 8.


Art in the City Exhibition: Illusion – the Inquisitive Eye

Painters' Hall 9 Little Trinity Lane, London, United Kingdom

The upcoming exhibition, “Illusion – the Inquisitive Eye,” will be held at the stunning Painters’ Hall in the City of London from 14th to 16th October. This event showcases exceptional works exclusively from Livery Company members, each artist exploring the…

The Livery Climate Action Group Conference 2024 – Planning for a Resilient Future

Merchant Taylors' Hall 60 Threadneedle Street, London

The Rt Hon the Lord Mayor, Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli will throw down the opening challenge of "Planning for a Resilient Future". Delegates will then: Explore the issues and risks that we face; Consider whether planned innovative solutions will be…

Garden of Remembrance Service

St Paul's Cathedral St Paul's Churchyard, London

The Opening of the Garden of Remembrance for the City & Liveries in the Garden of St Paul's cathedral. Attended by civic party and dignitaries, City services, Associations and Livery Companies.

Grand Finale 2024

Guildhall Gresham Street, London, United Kingdom

The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress will be hosting their Grand Finale on Wednesday 6 November 2024 in aid of The Lord Mayor's Appeal. Held in the truly spectacular setting of the Guildhall, in London, this fun and prestigious black-tie…

Check on the organiser’s website that dates and times are correct.