The Court of Aldermen has written to all Clerks to outline the plans for the election of the Lord Mayor on on 29 September 2021.
Category: Companies
City of London the target as climate campaigners plan two weeks of protest
Environmental activists who caused days of traffic chaos in London two years ago said they would start a fortnight of action starting today on the capital’s financial district, which they blame for helping to fuel climate change.
Lord Mayor’s COVID19 Livery Awards
Latest Livery Committee Briefing now available
The latest quarterly Livery Committee Briefing is now available to read and download. It includes details of forthcoming courses and the recently launched Livery Charity Chairs Group.
Pollinating London Together celebrates World Bee Day at Kew Gardens
Introducing the Livery Charity Chairs Group
In May 2021 nearly 200 delegates from over 60 Livery companies attended the ‘Who was found to be naked when the tide went out?’ charity conference.
Mayoralty and Shrievalty – 2021 Aldermanic Appraisal Process
As is customary, at this time of the year the Court of Aldermen shares with the Livery the names of those Aldermen whom it is supporting for progression to the Shrievalty or Mayoralty.
Climate Action Strategy Seminar on food and its impact on the climate
A recording of the Climate Action Strategy Seminar on food and its impact on climate plus a brief report on the event are now available.