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Sheriffs’ and Recorder’s Fund

Founded in 1808, the Fund gives small grants to ex-prisoners and their families in London, to help them stop offending and start a new life. Based at the Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) it’s Presidents are the serving Sheriffs, the vice-President is the Recorder of London. Numerous public life figures serve as Patrons.

The British prison population is over 86,000. On release, prisoners receive £46. Lacking money, education, a job, a stable family and a home, over 70% re-offend. Their life is spent in and out of prison. The Sheriffs’ & Recorder’s Fund helps to break this vicious cycle.

At the critical time when a prisoner is released, the Fund gives small grants to supply a vital need. It also gives large grants to prison-based charitable schemes which work towards the rehabilitation of ex-prisoners.

Recent grants to individuals have been made for training for jobs and qualifications, clothing, tools of trade, electrical goods, furniture and support for Offenders’ families. Larger grants are made to charities working in prisons for particular projects in mentoring, training and job opportunities.

Useful downloads

S&R Fund Annual Report 2021-22