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Garden of Remembrance Service 2021 – 8th November

The annual ‘Garden of Remembrance’ Service at St. Paul’s Cathedral will be held this year on Monday 8 November at 11:00.

Traditionally this event has been organised by Royal British Legion for many years however they have had to withdraw from the organising task.

Your Livery Committee has taken on the role, supported by the Fellowship of Clerks, to ensure that City representatives and the Livery Companies have an opportunity to attend this much-loved Service and plant crosses in memoriam. For 2021 there will be several changes to the event, firstly the Muster and breakfast refreshments will be served at Plaisterers’ Hall from 09:30. Cloakroom facilities will be available. Following refreshments and a speech from the RBL President, participants will be arranged outside the Hall in precedent order by an RSM of the HAC ready for a procession to St. Paul’s at 10:20.

The Committee is hoping to arrange for Uniformed Youth Cadets to attend and accompany Masters/Prime Wardens and Dignitaries in the planting of crosses. Lastly an optional buffet lunch with wine will be offered at Plaisterers’ Hall after the Service which will afford a pleasant social occasion for participants to meet.

Each Company and Guild will be asked to support the event with a donation to cover the operating expenses and a grant for both RBL and St.Paul’s Cathedral. Traditionally all Companies have made a contribution to this event in the past and the Committee hopes that it will continue to be fully supported by all. Shortly Masters and Clerks will receive an invitation to book for breakfast and the optional lunch, also an appeal for the contribution to support the event.

As usual, named wooden crosses will be sourced from the Poppy Factory which each Company can collect at Plaisterers’ Hall ready for the planting ceremony. The Service will be led by the Dean, and attended by a band of the Grenadier Guards and choirs from City Schools. The Civic party will be in attendance. The Service will conclude at 12:00. Lunch will be available from 12:30.