Livery Food Initiative Truck passes the half a million meals mark

On 9th September Livery Companies gathered at the Old Bailey at a Livery Food Initiative “Thank You” Reception hosted by Alderwoman and Sheriff Dame Susan Langley.

The Livery Charity Chairs Group is delighted that since the appeal for a larger and even more needed truck was launched a year ago, 44 companies have contributed nearly £200k towards the £270k needed to cover three years of its costs. The truck was ‘launched’ by the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs on March 5th 2024, and since then has delivered food for an amazing 548,766 meals. Meanwhile the van launched the year before continues to do sterling work.

During the evening, representatives of all the contributing companies received plaques from Alderwoman and Sheriff Dame Susan Langley and Sarah Calcutt, Chief Executive of City Harvest.

Those present celebrated what had been achieved but were also very aware of the growing problem of food insecurity.

In its third and final year, the Livery Food Initiative will be raising the remaining £70k needed to fund the truck for three years and providing support for other initiatives where City Harvest feels the need is greatest. Livery Companies will be asked again if they have contacts closer to the farm gate who can help source more good food that would otherwise go to waste. The Livery Food Initiative is also hoping to use its collective influence and convening powers to try to make a more fundamental difference to the intransigent problem that food insecurity presents.

For further information please contact Hilary Lindsay.

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