The Fellowship of Clerks meets virtually this Autumn

Members of the Fellowship of Clerks are invited to log-in and join a Zoom video-conference for the scheduled Autumn Business meeting. Sessions will be held on two dates 20th and 22nd October to handle manageable numbers for this discussion forum on all matters of concern to Clerks.

The following email was sent to members on the 5th October.

Dear Fellowship Members,

Due to the present pandemic restrictions in force on gatherings, we are unable to undertake our usual autumn business meeting and supper attendance that was scheduled for Painters’ Hall on Tuesday 20 October. Instead the Executive Committee has agreed that we will undertake a virtual meeting open to all full and associate members as usual.

The Fellowship’s Zoom-Pro account will be used for that purpose and I am sure you have all taken part in many multi-party Zoom calls or similar recently. As our business meetings are a discussion forum I am fearful that an overly large attendance will make the task very difficult to manage. Usually we have around 75 attend these meetings however as it will be that much easier just to join the meeting remotely I suspect that numbers will be larger (we do have around 150 members). To that end we propose holding two separate meetings with the same agenda; the first is to be held on Tuesday 20 October as planned and a second on Thursday 22 October; both at 5:00pm.

You are asked to respond to a WuFoo booking form to inform me of your intention to join us, and if you are unavailable on either of the proposed dates. I shall assign members to a particular meeting to balance out the attendance, taking care to offer you the session when you are available. Once assigned a date I shall send you a Zoom link in good time for your diaries. I hope that this makes sense.

Apart from the planned agenda items (to be published closer to the date) it is important that if you have a particular AOB issue, that you state this in the WuFoo booking. Discussion will be handled via the ‘Raised Hand’ facility in Zoom; participants will be muted by the Secretary to avoid background noise, members will unmute when invited to contribute. I will issue combined minutes as usual.

I very much look forward to joining with you for these sessions.

Kind regards,

David Barrett
The Secretary
Fellowship of Clerks