Woolmen’s Sheep Drive and Livery Fair
The annual ceremony for Freemen to exercise their right to drive sheep over a City bridge. Organised by the Worshipful Company of Woolmen.
The annual ceremony for Freemen to exercise their right to drive sheep over a City bridge. Organised by the Worshipful Company of Woolmen.
Evensong at St Paul's Cathedral, attended by the Musicians' Company. All other Livery Companies are invited; Masters, Wardens and Clerks process. Reception in the Crypt after the service. Details will be circulated to Clerks by email in early July.
Celebrating the Art of Woodturning: Wizardry in Wood 2025 Plaisterers' Hall, London, UK – 28 to 31 October 2025 – The Worshipful Company of Turners is thrilled to announce the return of the acclaimed Wizardry in Wood, occurring every four…
The Woolmen's Annual Sheep Drive over the Thames and accompanying Livery Fair. Freeman of the City can take up their right to take sheep over the Thames.
Check on the organiser’s website that dates and times are correct.