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The Lord Mayor’s Show

City of London Guildhall via Mansion House and Royal Courts

Street Carnival procession through the streets of the City headed by the Lord Mayor's Coach escorted by Pikemen and Musketeers.


Remembrance Sunday

St Paul's Cathedral & The Royal Exchange , United Kingdom

Service of Remembrance in St Paul's Cathedral and wreath laying at the Royal Exchange. Contact should your Livery Company wish to attend these events.


26th Horners’ Ralph Anderson Memorial Lecture

The Royal Society of Medicine Royal Society of Medicine, London, United Kingdom

The 26th Horners’ Ralph Anderson Memorial Lecture is to be held at 7.00pm on Thursday 16th November 2023 at the Royal Society of Medicine, London. W1G 0AE.


Horners Ralph Anderson Lecture

The Royal Society of Medicine Royal Society of Medicine, London, United Kingdom

The subject of his talk is: Iron or Plastic – is that really the Question? How two distinctly different industries farriery and plastics have grown together for the betterment of a horse’s wellbeing. Farriery, or the shoeing of horses, is…


British Red Cross Christmas Market

Guildhall Gresham Street, London, United Kingdom

A Christmas Market in aid of the Red Cross.

City Music Foundation Lunchtime Concert – Kleio Quartet

Apothecaries Hall Black Friars Lane, London, United Kingdom

A lunchtime concert featuring Kleio Quartet from 1pm at Apothecaries’ Hall In today’s lunchtime concert, Kleio Quartet perform two beautiful quartets from well-known composers. First on the menu is Verdi’s only surviving chamber work, a String Quartet written during a…


City Music Foundation Lunchtime Concert Series – Kleio Quartet

Apothecaries Hall Black Friars Lane, London, United Kingdom

A lunchtime concert featuring Kleio Quartet from 1pm at Apothecaries’ Hall In today’s lunchtime concert, Kleio Quartet perform two beautiful quartets from well-known composers. First on the menu is Verdi’s only surviving chamber work, a String Quartet written during a…


Check on the organiser’s website that dates and times are correct.