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Lord Mayor’s Lecture | The Future Of Building Foundations In The City: Energy Generating Assets

Virtual online

Background: Modern multi-storey buildings in the City of London are usually supported on piled foundations; long columns of concrete that take the building loads into the ground. When sites are redeveloped each new building has tended to have a new…


Lord Mayor’s Lecture | Why Has Nobody Ever Told Me This? Initiating Sustainability & Success In SMEs

Virtual online

Background: Through extensive research on his MBA (1992, Open University) and PhD (2022, Sheffield Hallam) into the dynamics behind training and development programmes for small and midsize enterprises (SMEs), Dr Glyn Cartwright increasingly recognised a frustrating lack of relevant evidence…


Junior Wardens’ Card Game Evening

Drapers' Hall Throgmorton Avenue, London

An evening where you will meet your fellow Junior Wardens at the splendid Drapers' Hall for a two course dinner and a relaxed fun game or two of cards. No expertise required.

Lord Mayor’s Coffee Colloquies

Mansion House Walbrook, London, United Kingdom

Lord Mayor's Coffee Colloquies are a series of in-person events held at Mansion House promoting connections that help address the leading issues of the day. See the City of London website for the programme.  

Glass Sellers Annual Ravenscroft Lecture – The Legacy of George Ravenscroft

Glaziers Hall 9 Montague Close, London Bridge, London, United Kingdom

Marking the 350th Anniversary of the Indenture of Agreement (5th September 1674) made between George Ravenscroft of London, Gent of one party, and John Steward the Elder, Humphrey Kilby, John Kempster, and forty-two others, all Glass-Sellers of London of the…


Lord Mayor’s Lecture | How Air Pollution Causes Lung Cancer In Never-Smokers Via A Therapeutically Targetable Inflammatory Mechanism

Virtual online

Background: A mechanistic basis for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) initiation in never smokers, a disease with high frequency EGFR mutations (EGFRm), is unknown. Air pollution particulate matter (PM) is known to be associated with the risk of NSCLC, however…


Check on the organiser’s website that dates and times are correct.