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Election Addresses and Acceptance Speeches

A selection of the addresses to Common Hall by the candidates for the offices of Alderman, Sheriff, and Bridge Masters. Elections are held on Midsummer’s Day (24 June) every year at noon (excepting when this falls on a weekend).

Acceptance Speeches

Available after the election.

Shrieval Candidates

Alderwoman Susan Langley OBE

Alderman Bronek Masojada

Following the closure of nominations on 1 May 2021, it is confirmed that Alderman Alison Gowman and Alderman Nicholas Lyons are the only candidates in nomination for Common Hall, the election of the Sheriffs, on 24 June 2021. Their addresses can be seen below.

The Livery Committee’s Report to Common Hall is also available.

Although further restrictions may have been eased by then, concern remains over the likely impact of the Covid-19 variants.

It has therefore been decided that the arrangements outlined in the letter dated 13 April 2021 from Alderman Sir David Wootton, Chairman of the General Purposes Committee of the Court of Aldermen, and Victoria Russell, Chair of the Livery Committee, will remain in place for the time being. These arrangements include limiting attendance at Common Hall to one representative per livery company, wherever possible.

Any changes to these arrangements, and more detailed guidance, will be circulated to the Clerks and added to the website during the first week of June.

Sheriff Election Addresses

Alison Gowman

Nicholas Lyons

Alderman Election Addresses

Vincent Keavenys

Sheriff Election Addresses

Liz Green

Christopher Hayward

Michael Mainelli

Gwen Rhys

Erica Stary

Sheriff Election Addresses

Tim Hailes
Neil Redcliffe (Non-Aldermanic)