Category: Companies
Impact of Food on the Climate seminar – 28th June
Livery Kitchen Initiative to continue until end of July
Livery Kitchen Initiative (LKI) meal deliveries to deprived communities in East London, identified by City Harvest, continue at 2000 meals a week and will continue until the end of July when the LKI project will cease.
Shrieval Addresses to Common Hall
Livery Committee Report published
The Livery Committee has released its annual report that will be presented in June to The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Liverymen of the Companies of the City of London.
Clean City Awards Scheme
Does your livery company go the extra mile to be more eco-friendly or looking to build back better? Get recognised for your efforts and boost your company’s profile?
Livery Masters’ Weekend 2022: SAVE THE DATE 10 -12 June 2022
The Livery Masters’ Weekend in 2022 will take place in Sheffield from Friday, 10 June to Sunday, 12 June, hosted by the Company of Cutlers in Hallamshire.
April Livery Committee Briefing is now available
The Livery Committee, supported by the Town Clerk’s Department at the City of London, publish a quarterly newsletter called the Livery Briefing. The latest is available to view.