Candidates for election as Lord Mayor have been issued by the City of London Corporation. The paper provides a full biography for each of six candidates in contention for this and future years.
Sheriffs-elect presented with their custom designed badges and chains of office
The Sheriffs-elect for 2021-22, Aldermen Alison Gowman and Nicholas Lyons, have now been presented with their custom designed badges and chains of office.
Livery Climate Action Group invites you to their launch event
London Liveries join to boost pollinators in the City of London
New Chairman and Deputy Chairman for the Livery Committee
At the Livery Committee meeting yesterday morning in Guildhall, Deputy Philip Woodhouse CC, Past Master Grocer, was elected Chairman, and Julia Sibley MBE, Past Master Innholder, was elected Deputy Chairman for the ensuing year.
Honorary Freemen of the City of London – new book available 29th September
Clerk to the Woolmens’ Company Bill Clark has authored a splendid book about Honorary Freemen of the City who attained great achievement.
City Giving Day – 21st September
Every year City Giving Day celebrates the value of the City to society and shows how businesses can make a difference, as part of our bid to create a fair society.
Election of Lord Mayor on 29th September
The Court of Aldermen has written to all Clerks to outline the plans for the election of the Lord Mayor on on 29 September 2021.